Saturday, October 2, 2010

Nature Crafts: Autumn Banner

My son and I discovered that a fun way to welcome fall is with a banner made from all the little gifts of nature that are abundant right now. For this banner we used Acorn caps, dried moss, sticks, Sunflower seeds, dried beans, and small pebbles. We cut out six pieces of card stock from old folders that I found in the closet. A cardboard box or  recycled cereal boxes would also work well. I lightly penciled in the letters and simply hot glued our finds over them. I just “eye-balled” it. No measuring necessary unless you just want to.







To finish it off I used pages from an old Children’s dictionary, cut with decorative scissors around the edges. A couple of holes punched in and some heavy twine made it suitable for hanging on the mantel.





I think my favorite letter is the “u” made out of moss. It was a happy accident that I ended up with the acorn picture on the edge.

Making this banner was easy and fun. There are so many variations possible. Pressed leaves, dried corn, bird seed, or whatever you come up with.

Send me a picture if you make one. I’d love to see it!


1 comment:

  1. I love banners and want one but most do not fit well with my decor. Your's is perfect for my house and I'm going to make me one -- thanks to you!


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