Monday, October 18, 2010

Homemade Cookies Gone Bakery


I baked a couple dozen cookies to take to our Church Home Group tonight. They taste delicious (in my unbiased opinion). However, I wanted to present them in a special way. The way you feel when you go into a lovely, little patisserie that makes you feel like you’re having a special little indulgence with your coffee or tea. I’ve never been in an authentic French Bakery, but I have a good imagination. A flirty little French skirt is just what my glass cake stand needed.



Making it was simple and you probably have the supplies on hand already.

* A length of ribbon that fits around the edge of your cake stand.

* Double stick tape (in a pinch you could use a hot glue gun as long as you think that you could peel the glue off later. Glass is a pretty safe bet).

*A ruler, quilting or standard

*Exacto knife or scissors

* Old dictionary pages or any other decorative paper

*Parchment paper or plain wrapping paper to cover your cake plate, a paper doily would also work (this step is optional)




I first put my pink wrapping paper on top of the cake plate and cut around it with my Exacto knife. I’d be lost without it. Next I cut my dictionary pages in half lengthwise. Fold them in half lengthwise and put the folded edge (Important) under the ruler. Cut with your knife or scissors. I spaced the cuts about a half inch apart.




Apply the ribbon to the folded outside edge with double stick tape.



Apply another piece of double stick tape to the back. Here it is before I pulled the backing of the tape off.  Next apply it to the edge of the cake plate and she’s dressed for dessert! It’s easiest to get it started onto the edge and then pull off your backing as you move around it. If I can do this,while my 7th grader passes back and forth complaining about his writing assignment, you can too. I hope you do because it’s cheap and easy (but doesn’t seem that way!).




Just had to show her again and this time with a little leg! Frenchy.


  1. now that is just adorable!! so very creative!!!



  2. Too Cute!!! I may need to borrow this idea.

  3. Lovely! And the cookies... mmm! You made me drool over the screen!
    Thanks for stopping by and leaving nice words!

  4. This is adorable! Cookies ... yum!



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