Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Quick Dining Room Glamorizing!

My Dining room has not been my favorite room in the house lately. I don't really have my "first" choice in furniture, so I was just passing it by each day without much thought. Well, no more. Two new thrift store vases inspired a mini-makeover!
My petite China cabinet sits on one side, so I just loaded it up with everything cream, white, and silver that I could find. Coral and seashells fit in perfectly. Instant summer!
Here they are. I found the white vase for $1. and the periwinkle blue one for 50 cents. Sage and Oregano from my herb garden = free greenery.
My creative Daughter-in-law made these cake plates for Mother's Day. The Botanical print plates tie in perfectly with the prints I put on the wall.
Also from my Daughter-in-law are these Botanical prints that she had in a book bought on Ebay. I had the frames already, so it was a perfect match.
The lamps are my favorite part. They were in my bedroom and they used to be dark brown with off-white, suede shades. I spray painted the bases gloss white and then used a glue stick (I couldn't find my double stick tape) and put the wallpaper around the shades. I found this wallpaper at a garage sale and I've been hanging onto it until I found the perfect project. It was an easy fix because of the shape of the shades and also easy to change out if I get tired of it. I do have a reputation for changing things around a lot, in decorating that is! So there you have it. I only spent $1.50 on my glammed up dining room. I have more ideas , such as chair slipcovers and new table linens, but those will have to wait a little while. Use what you have in a new way and you might just end up loving it! Until next time...


  1. I love your botanical prints. They look beautiful. I just covered a couple lampshades but I used fabric. I didn't even think of using wallpaper. They look really pretty.


  2. That is just fantastic! I love how fresh and updated it looks. My dining room could definitly use this kind of realistic makeover. The designer challenge is so much fun, but frustrating since I know there won't be any real changes made. boohoo for me.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Monica@The White Bench said...
    What can I say? Simply F*A*B*U*L*O*U*S! I have my living room done in a similar scheme- white, red and white checks, americana colors and flags here and there.
    Happy Memorial Day, Tanya.

  5. I LOVE the lamps! They really are so cute and look great on the sideboard. Your dining room looks so pretty!


  6. First of all, I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your beloved dog, Dodger. He looks like a wonderful little companion! I love the smile on his face - a true testament of how much he loved you so. May he have a safe place in Heaven until he meets with you again.


    Secondly, I LOVE your dining room. Everything about it is just perfect. What a lovely daughter in law you must have for her to pick out such thoughtful things for you. The lamps are the perfect accompaniment. You did an awesome job revamping them - love 'em!!


  7. love the dining room and the lamps are my fave too! oh, and the dresser/buffet! thanks for visiting me at cottage romance! i appreciate you stopping by and commenting! i hope you're able to visit again soon!


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