Thursday, June 25, 2009

Hen House

I visited the Ozark Botanical Garden for the first time this spring. They have only been open for about a year but I was impressed at the variety of different gardens to amble through. Being the mommy to five spoiled hens I'm always interested in seeing other chicken "homes." Near the vegetable garden I spotted the cutest little building. At the time it was still waiting on tenants. The fluffy, white chicks were still hanging out in a wading pool in the main building cozied up under their heat lamp. I really like the fact that the front doors are large enough for a person to walk into the hen house. Notice that it isn't chicken wire but hardware cloth on the doors. Much more difficult for a predator (read Raccoon) to get it's hands through. If you're wondering, no the chickens wouldn't run away to the other side. They would likely press themselves up against the door in a panic! Not known for their intellligence. Ever wonder where the saying "bird brain" came from? Nesting boxes are just inside for all of those great, fresh eggs. Up by the roof are some openings for air flow. Of course they have to also be covered. Then comes the chicken run. They can hop out everyday and scratch for bugs and eat the green stuff, a chicken's passion and purpose in life! This is a beautiful run area. I had to chuckle to myself when I thought about how the henny pennies would have all of that greenery mowed down in no time. It will be as barren as the Sahara. Oh well, it looks good now. On the side of the building you can see the small door where the birds will come out every morning. Closing it up in the evening will give even further protection to the hens. My girls currently reside in a penthouse apartment (A-frame) that Mr. Cottage Glamour built, with a run underneath. We were supposed to be able to move it around the backyard on a regular basis. However, like everything Mr. CG builds it's "heavy duty" and mostly just heavy. We're now figuring out how to add some wheels! Someday, we'll build this dreamy little hen's glam cottage. What do you think?


  1. That's some serious hen cottage! I remember we had a coop when we were very little and it didn't look like this one!!

  2. This was so cool to see! Thank you for taking such great pictures! I've been thinking about chickens for years now (then thought maybe I should do ducks). So I'm always interested in chicken coops/runs!


  3. Love this henhouse! Our chickens are in a small prefab tpe barn with a semi permanent run. We can take the run apart and clean it out when needed. I love chickens!

  4. I have to admit that I love chickens too Kathleen Grace! You never know what great pets they are until you keep some of your own!

  5. We just got our chicks today and the girls are having a fun time with them! Luckily we do have a fancy chicken house for them. what breed of chickens do you have?

  6. Hi Patricia,
    We have five hens. Two of them are Americana (or Aracauna), one is a Rhode Island Red (she's the leader of the pack), one Plymouth Barred Rock, and a cute little Bantam known as a Welsummer. She is so tiny that my son named her Shrimp. She looked like a baby sparrow when she was a chick but she has a huge personality and lays almost every day! I would love to see pictures of your hen house!

  7. I think it looks great. I only have a couple of chickens right now so I am using a portable chicken ark - however, I'm getting ready to build a larger, permanent home for them and to get more. I really like the layout you have - it's given me a few ideas.


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