Monday, June 15, 2009

Appreciating the Small Things........

The Lavender is blooming in the herb garden. There's a peaceful place to sit and watch the birds on the patio.
The tea is brewing. Won't you join me while I take a moment to enjoy the small but significant blessings of the day?


  1. Why thank you! I'd love a cup of tea. I like mine with a little crean and just maybe half teaspoon of sugar. I just love your relaxing area, very soothing and thank you for stopping by my blog. Please come back and I too shall return to read your posts. Thanks for the tea. Ta Ta :D

  2. I think glory is right. It does look super relaxing. I would love some tea too. No sugar, I drink it straight. How refreshing.

  3. Your lavender looks so spectacular! Mine never looks like that. What a cute chair too. I think I plate border would be perfect in your yard!


  4. Thanks for stopping by dear Bloggers! Even if it's for a "virtual" cup of tea!


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