Friday, June 5, 2009

Chocolate Birthday Cake

I wanted to show you the Chocolate Ganache Cake that I made for my daughter-in-law's birthday. I got it off of the Martha Stewart website. Her recipe called for chocolate truffle eggs that had a blue tint. I just used some Easter eggs that came in a bag. They are chocolate and I think the color was just right. A lot less expensive than truffles also. It also called for Espresso powder but I just used a couple of teaspoons of strong, black coffee. My DIL's birthday was in April and we celebrated on Easter weekend because my son and wife live about three hours away. They are usually only able to visit on holidays. Of course we've been down to visit them and it's been a lot of fun. However, the time has come and they're moving back! I'm a very happy mom. I will hug them and squeeze them and never let them move away again. Well, in my mind anyway. ha ha
This cake was easy to make and I froze what we didn't eat. A couple of weeks later it was still delicious!
My son Michael and his wife Kari (pronounced car ee. The "a" is supposed to have the two dots over it but I always forget how to do it! )


  1. OH~~~~ Your cake is so pretty! I love the Robin blue eggs.
    Have a great day,

  2. Thanks Ginger and Kasey! I loved the way it turned out. I've had my share of birthday cakes that looked a certain way in my mind but didn't make it into reality. :0


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