Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Hello Yellow!

What is it about the promise of spring that makes yellow so appealing?
The rest of the year, I hardly notice it.
Sure I might admire the deep golden color during the fall. But as Christmas approaches, I usually don't give yellow a second thought.
But then come the gray months. Days of no sun and early darkness. Suddenly all of the cool blues and greens that I usually love become cold. The reds from Christmas and Valentine's day become glaring against the paleness of the winter landscape both inside and out.
Just when I think that I'm going to carb-load and seriously go into hibernation, I see green sprigs coming up at the edge of my backyard woods!
It's the Daffodils with their sweet golden faces. They open up and seem to promise that long days and sunshine are just around the corner!
Now I notice and seek out my lost friend yellow. I see it wherever I go. The delicate pale of vanilla pudding, the deep golden of an egg yolk, the yellow-green of a lemon. (We do a lot of cooking around here!) Paired with bright white it feels clean and warm like a perfect spring day.
Every color seems softened and enhanced by a touch of yellow's presence. Do I get out a paint brush and start on the walls? No, my relationship with yellow is far too fickle for that. Instead I add a tablecloth, a throw pillow, a bowl of lemons to bring the sunny color into my interiors.
My outlook becomes more hopeful. I have reminders of the sun everywhere I look. I've made my peace with yellow, at least for this season.
Eventually, my craving for yellow will give way to the colors of summer. My cool blues and greens will once again have first place in my decor. Bold pinks and reds of summer blossoms will fight for my attention.
But for now I'll enjoy my little romance with yellow while it lasts.
Have a wonderful sunny day and please pass the butter!
Picture credits:,,,,,


  1. I just noticed as I was driving yesterday that daffodils have already started blooming in our area. For some reason, when those things start popping open, I'm looking for more yellow for my house. I guess I take my cues from nature.

  2. Loved all the pictures! Almost all my walls are yellow! It's one of my favorite colors.


  3. All the photos are beautiful! I am thinking about painting my kitchen a light golden yellow. Hopefully SOON. It is in dire need of a face lift and makeover.

  4. I lurve yellow! Painted our kitchen "Song of Summer" yellow; such a happy little color.

    The pics are grand. Some I'd like to transport directly into my home!

  5. OH~~~ I love the yellow, I need to add more color in my home. I liked lemons on the white fruit plate too.

  6. What a happy color. You can't look at yellow and be sad. It is the color of spring. One of the first colors that will bloom in my yard, now that all the snow has melted! Yipeeeeee! Thanks for coming over and visting my blog. You've done a great job on yours. Send you mechanic over to help me out!

  7. Well, I'm not a great fan of yellow at home but... these are gorgeous!!!!!!!!
    My only yellow pops are in the kitchen... Love that yellow checked upholstered chair!

  8. Great inspiration photos. Just about every wall in our home on the first floor is painted a shade of yellow. Very uplifting color.


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