Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Fun with Flowers

I hope that you're having as much fun as I am with the after Valentine flower clearances. Keep reading to find out the amazing price I paid for mine today! My husband and I didn't exchange any gifts on Valentine's Day. We're putting our cash into our remodel and neither of us like the inflated prices of the candy and flowers anyway. However, I used to own a flower shop and do LOVE flowers. Good things come to those who wait! I came home with armloads of flowers today and pulled out my vases. The first arrangement I made was placed in my Powder room. I still have my little vintage looking joy babies from Christmas out on the counter. It is still winter after all. I added a little pine from outside in with the roses. The bunches did come with a few Carnations and Freesias but no greens, so I had to improvise.
The next arrangement I placed on my dining table. The roses are just beautiful, soft yellow with a pink tinged edge. I added in some red Carnations to this one. They will just be beautiful when the roses open fully. Be sure to make a fresh cut at an angle when you first get your roses. Don't be afraid to peel off a few of the outer petals if they are bruised or starting to brown.
These red roses are just delicious, aren't they? Again I added in some greens from outside. When you choose your roses, feel the heads. They should be very firm, sort of like a little onion or garlic bulb. If they feel soft or mushy, pass them up. They won't last long at all and you'll be disappointed. Can you smell the sweet perfume? Finally, I put a big bunch of salmon, and soft pink with white Freesias in my favorite, large pink pitcher. It looks right at home on my china cabinet.
The flowers just "pop" in front of the black and white accessories.
Now where did I get all of these fabulous bouquets and at what price? You know me, I'm a bargain shopper!
But who can resist roses, right? I could even hang them up to dry and keep enjoying them for months!
Who could resist?
I sure couldn't resist at Aldi for 50 cents a half dozen! I spent a total of $3.50 for all of these beautiful arrangements! My bag runneth over!


  1. Gorgeous flowers! And, it's almost incredible how much you paid for such beauty!
    I would also thank you for your sweet words on my post...

  2. Wow! They look beautiful. You did such a great job! I didn't know you used to own a flower shop. Ya learn something new everyday.

    PS I should start following you around so I can get the good deals too! :)

  3. Beautiful and no, who could resist at that price! I was in Kroger today and they had all their Valentine flowers and gift baskets 50%.


  4. OMG, what a steal! My favorites are the ones in the pink pitcher. Must have fresh flowers in the house as often as possible!

  5. Hi there! I think we might be neighbors. I'm in NWA.

    I'm terribly jealous of your Aldi flowers. I didn't even think to check there after Valentines day. If you get a chance, come by next Thursday and link up to my good stuff post. You got a super deal!

  6. Hi again, Tanya! Hope you'll share with us your BLING!


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