Monday, May 23, 2011

Time for a Big Change!

Here I was just minding my own business when I stumbled across Nester’s guest post by Karen from The Art of Doing Stuff. Well, something just broke loose that had been coming on for a long time.


I took a good hard look at all of my “stuff”. Furniture and “little junk” included and…I did a BIG YAWN.



My rooms were just plain safe. Boring.

Now they’re just plain empty because I did an intense “ clean out, sell things on Craig’s list, and have a huge Garage sale-orama.”


I’m happy to say that it was a great success. However, now I’m starting from scratch again. My main focus (at the moment) will be my living room and dining room. I’m going to try to achieve a little more funkiness and fun. A mix of styles to include a little bit of modern, industrial, and some slip covered pieces. More color (this one is hard for me), and more inspiring rooms.



I have several projects planned and more than one thrifty shopping spree. Just like most everyone, I’ve got to make that dollar stretch until it cries uncle! Stay tuned and I’ll bring you along as I transform my rooms into family friendly, organized, and inspiring places to hang out . That’s the goal. I could always use a second opinion!


photo credits:,, HGTV,,

1 comment:

  1. How fun...I love huge projects like this.
    Can't wait to see it all finished. (are we EVER finished...I think not.)
    xo bj


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