Friday, April 1, 2011

Making My Bed


Last night, as I was smoothing out the freshly laundered sheets on my bed, I thought about my mother. She made her bed every morning, unlike myself. I’ll admit it. I straighten it up a bit but that’s usually it, unless I’m having company. I never thought it was that important. But then last night I recalled the fond memories I had of watching, and sometimes helping my mom fluff her pillows and tuck in her bedspread each day. There was a consistent rhythm to her work. It was like an exclamation point at the end of a sentence that stated, “I’m done sleeping and ready to take on the day!”


My mother stayed at home while I was very young and then had a full-time career by the time I entered first grade. Still, she made her bed everyday. I think that no matter what type of chaos, whether joyful or trying, she could slip into her bedroom and find solace, quiet and order.


Seeing it this way, I have a new respect for the “made” bed. Will I turn into a person that makes the bed each day? I’ll certainly try after my new perspective. I feel more intentional already!

How about you. Do you find comfort and order in a “made” bed? Or does a messy bed seem more inviting?

  IMG_3596 IMG_3597  Thanks for visiting.



  1. I love a freshly made up bed ~ especially if the sheets have been lined dried. Oh my, zzzzzzzzzz ;-)

  2. I have always made my bed every morning because, I guess, that's what MY mom did. And, there's days that it doesn't get made for one reason or another....climbing in an unmade bed isn't as comforting as a freshly made one....:)) just creatures of habit, aren't we.?
    Thanks so much for coming by...I love your blog and am signing up to follow...
    xo bj
    O, and please do come back over..I am starting a giveaway today...a frenchy enamel house fun.:))

  3. oops, where's your FOLLOW ME thingy??

  4. First... thanks for stopping by and for the sweet comment!

    I gotta tell you I was always to taught that making the bed was the first thing you do when you get up... and I have always done just that... My problem is that lately my hubby seems to have a problem with having to "unmake" the bed before going to bed, and actually has a fit sometimes when I make the bed!! Can you believe it?!
    But I totally agree with the above... I love getting into a freshly made bed with the sheets nice and tight, with a freshly laundered smell!! Heaven!

    Btw, I love your linens and headboard!
    Have a great day!

  5. I'm a first time visitor, and I love your bedspread:) I make my bed every morning and feel that I can't move along to the next thing until I do. I think it's a visual distraction for me? I also can't sit down to read a book or relax until my surroundings are somewhat in order. Sometimes I sure wish I could change that about myself!
    I also LOVE your chalkboard paint ideas! I'm going to have to go and find something to paint:)
    Thanks for stopping by to visit my blog yesterday. Blessings!

  6. Tanya,
    oh I love your bedlinens!!!!!
    I make my bed every day, not first thing in the morning, breakfast is definitely more important to me! :)but I like the 'made and ordered' look, and feel more comfortable in it.
    Enjoy your hyacinths in the woods- so fabulous to have them in your property!I never succeeded in having mine bloom.


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