Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Winter Storm

I've been watching the ice turning into snow this morning. We're being blanketed in white and it's still coming. Making sure that I have plenty of this... and these... and these... I've been keeping up on laundry and dishes, just in case we need these... and the power goes out. We're stocked up on wood for the fireplace and food. The hens are tucked into their warm chalet, with plenty of their own goodies. Hopefully, it won't happen. When we had an outage two years ago, we weren't as well prepared. I'd love to hear how you and your family prepare for emergencies. Leave a comment and share your tips. Happy winter, stay warm!


  1. This may be hard to believe, but I am jealous of your snow!! ;-) It's been cold and crisp here the past two days, but also feels a bit like spring..... I hope you don't lose power, it's fun for about a day then it gets old quick! Stock up on food and batteries!!

  2. We don't have a television so when it gets too cold to be outside for very long we do puzzles, games and lots of reading. I also find I do a lot more baking (this helps keep the house warm) and I get more sewing projects done during these winter freezes.

    As for emergencies like a power outage we have generators. The only thing we need it for is the water pump. Everything else is either wood generated heat or propane. We use candles flashlights, and lanterns for light at night. Hope that doesn't happen though!!

  3. Your cottage is so cozy! I think I'll stay and explore it...love the laundry line on your banner.

    Merci beaucoup de votre visite sur mon blog!


    Sandy @ My Shabby Streamside Studio


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