Thursday, January 6, 2011

Read Through the Bible in a Year

Morning and evening Bible reading have become the frame to our day. Even though we’re only five days into it, I’ve noticed that a renewed peace has come to my home. For the short amount of daily time committed, we’ve already been rewarded with deeper communication, more prayer time, more organization, more physical and mental exercise, and more attention to detail with less stress over it. These are just some of the fruits that are beginning to blossom. All of my goals that I struggle to attain have begun to unfold spontaneously. “Seek ye first the kingdom of God”, is coming to life in yet a new way.

The book of John tells us1IN THE beginning [before all time] was the Word (Christ), and the Word was with God, and the Word was God Himself.

Reading the Amplified Bible clearly shows me Who we’re inviting into our day each morning and Who is sending us off for a night’s rest. At times I can be undisciplined resistant to a schedule. However, my eyes have been opened to the fact that keeping this particular schedule provides the framework for a creative, spontaneous day where learning, love, and schedules happily co-exist together. Whether activities go as planned or are disrupted, the early morning filling of the Word is always there to sustain and guide me. In the evening when I’m tired from a full day, the Old Testament becomes a mysterious retelling of early mankind and his struggle to learn who his Creator and ever present loving father is. As we gather by the fire of a chilly winter night, we imagine the rain and great storms that Noah and his family must have listened to as they securely floated in the Master’s own hand, while the earth was completely flooded.We journey with Abram as he leaves his homeland and all he has ever known to follow the Great One’s plan.

I rest my head on the pillow with questions about God’s great wisdom in His eternal plan and how history turned the pages then, and is even now continuing the with bible

I know that as surely as I’m professing that we’ll continue in our reading through the Bible in a year schedule, “something” will try to disrupt this welcome daily meditation. However, I also know that by His spirit we’ll continue to let His word be the frame for our days and the peace for our nights of rest.

We’re following a schedule that was provided at our church. However,there are a lot of Bible reading schedules to choose from on the internet. Be sure to put an app on your phone or carry a Bible in your car, so that you can have it with you wherever you go.

If you long for the many rewards of filling your heart with His word on a daily basis, then I encourage you to begin today.

Until next time…

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