Thursday, September 9, 2010


Just wanted to show you a couple of my frugal finds. The first one is a cute little faux bois vase that I found at a Thrift store for $1. Of course it was grimy and an ugly, faded metallic color. I'm sorry that I don't have a before picture but you get the idea. A spritz of primer and white gloss brought the wow factor. I think it was originally intended to be a candle holder but I like it as a vase. It might turn into something else soon, so check back!
Next up for show and tell are these great letters that I got for free at a garage sale. I snagged a whole bag of them and I've been having fun with them ever since. I have every letter to spell "cottage" except for the "c". I'm going to have to get creative.
More frugal fun coming soon!


  1. Oh my Goodness ~ I totally love those letters, how lucky ~ And your teacup set is super cute. Thanks for stoppin' by.

  2. I can't believe you made that vase look so good. Do you need a special spray paint for that?

  3. Hi Tanya! What a great find on those letters!

    Thank you so much for stopping by my asked in your comment how long I've had my booth. The answer is 5 years!

    Have a great week!


  4. Thanks so much for stopping by. The vase was primed and then painted with high gloss. I used spray paint for both. ;)

  5. Great letters! Oh, yes, a C for cottage is a must!!

  6. Hi Tanya, thanks so much for praying for my MIL, I so appreciate that!


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