Wednesday, March 31, 2010

White Wednesday

I'm participating in White Wednesday with Faded Charm! Check out her great giveaway. Not now. After you browse here first!
I have a fun tour for you today! I call this magical place "The White Shop" but it's actually Something Simple in Eureka Springs, Arkansas. The owner, Kaylene Shepard is the magician in residence. Everything she touches doesn't turn to gold but into vintage, white, textured loveliness. Her shop is located in a wonderful cottage with inspiration everywhere you look. She is the artist behind many of the offerings, with altered vintage paper being high on her list of favorites right now! These are just a few of the pictures that Kaylene graciously allowed me to take. I'll post more this week, so check back. Enjoy! Every cottage needs a wonderful front porch just like this one! I would be inspired to do more baking with these cute measuring cups. Beautiful collages everywhere. I have more of them to show you next time. The bottom of this lamp shade is showing it's petticoat, made out of coffee filters and baubles! Kaylene showed me her old receipt book that she has been turning into the most wonderful things! This is a bridal bouquet out of, you guessed it, coffee filters. Didn't I tell you this woman is an artistic genius? Who can resist some frenchy black and white? Not me! Sparkly vintage pieces to spoil yourself or a good friend! Gorgeous slipcovered and painted furniture are found throughout the cottage. When can I move in? Frame by Kaylene. The lovely lady Kaylene Shepard. Hope you are inspired so far. Do come back for more but leave me a comment first! Happy Wednesday!


  1. Thanks for the tour, what a treat! LOVE that receipt book, I'd have a hard time transforming it into anything though...Wish I was closer to Arkansas :-)

  2. What a fun and inspiring place! Thank you so much for sharing it with us!!

  3. Such eye candy! Thank you for the tour.

  4. absolutely delightful I am packing my stuff right now so that I can move in with you! We'll have lots of fun! Happy, Happy Easter Whites to you...

  5. Ohh...that looks like an awesome place...I've always wanted to visit Eureka Springs...and now even more so! Happy WW!

  6. That WAS a fun tour! It looks like one of those places you just want to go to and browse around and escape for a few hours. thanks for sharing!

    Have a wonderful Easter!

  7. Thanks for the tour. Looks like a nice place to find dome great treasures. I love the numbers going up the stairs.

    ~Happy WW~


  8. What a wonderful treasure filled tour!! Thank you!


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