Friday, April 10, 2009

Getting Ready for Easter

Just thought I would share a few of the "Random Acts of Homekeeping" going on around the cottage in preparation for Easter (and beyond!). I found this farmhouse styled shelf unit at a flea market several weeks back. All of my other cabinets are painted white and I was going to do the same to this one until I put it on top of the counter and tried some white dishes on it. I decided to apply a tinted butcher's wax and leave it as is. I might change my mind later but so far I like it! This next picture is of all of my wonderful varieties of Heirloom tomatoes that are coming up. This is the first time I've grown them from seeds!
Mint on the kitchen windowsill in a sea shell encrusted pot that I made years ago. It's still holding up!
I'll use this mint all summer to add a refreshing taste to green or black iced tea. I'll also use it in Tabouli salad.
The Easter baskets that I picked up at garage sales over the summer are all whitewashed and ready to be filled with sweet treats, salty cashews, and homemade Muesli. The eggs are from our chickens and were varying shades of brown. My son dyed these and also white ones. I think that these came out to be the most beautiful shades. I'll buy brown eggs to dye if I need extras from now on!
Chickies are in place on the buffet.
I painted a black chandelier white and added soft green shades to it. I just love it for spring. Have a happy and blessed Easter! Even though we aren't asked to celebrate "Easter" in the Bible, I find it a great time to reflect on the gift of life that our Creator and Savior has so freely given to those that love Him. I'm forever grateful and in love!


  1. Beautiful Spring time goodies. I need to find myself a pretty pot and replant to mint to keep inside. I love it! (and it's one of the few things I can't seem to kill.)


  2. Love the chandelier painte white with the new shades - that's so perfect for spring/summer! Those eggs turned out beautiful! We don't die eggs anymore but if I did I think I would do the brown eggs now.The white dishes look fabulous against the dark of the cabinet!

    Happy Easter!


  3. Thank-you for stopping by. White cabinet have my whole heart! I use to have them, now I want to paint my new cabinets white so bad. My dear husband said in about 15 years. Your blog is so pretty.
    Have a great day,

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