Monday, September 27, 2010

I Bleached My Denim Couch and This is What Happened!

Can you believe the difference? I’m doing the happy dance right about now.









It all started when I realized that the crazy layout of my living room would only work with a sectional. The couch that I liked was from Pottery Barn. I also liked the slipcovered one from Ikea but it’s a little small for my tall husband and besides, the nearest Ikea is 6 hours away in Dallas area. Please do feel sorry for me about this. Anywho, I began to save for a PB sectional. However, at the rate I was able to stash cash, it wasn’t looking too promising. The more I thought about it, the more I decided that $4,000. for a couch just didn’t jive with the frugalista in me. I started searching Craig’s list (for several weeks) and found a denim slipcovered sectional. The price was right. I thought that I would use the old slipcover as a pattern to make the new one or just have one made. I didn’t mind the denim that much in the house that I bought it from. It was really cute and accessorized all beachy and everything. I got it home to my “smaller” living room and it looked like the big, fat, why did I buy a sectional, denim mistake. I wanted to whisk it away to the upholsterer’s for a new slip, but…just didn’t have the funds. So, I fretted and rearranged and pointed my finger at it and threatened to put it right back on Craig’s List. The only thing that stopped me was that it is VERY comfortable and my whole family loves it. Even my grown kids! I could picture us all comfortably lounging on it for a movie night. If only it were white! In desperation one night I snipped a tiny piece of fabric out of the seam on the inside of a cushion cover. I soaked it overnight in bleach mixed with water. The next morning I was so excited to see it completely white. So I kept going...



I lined my driveway with every empty tub I could find. I didn’t use any specific proportions, just A LOT of bleach. I used about 10 bottles of bleach but keep in mind, it was a lot of slipcover. My sectional is like a 3 cushion couch, a loveseat, and a chaise put together. I moved the fabric around every couple of hours to get an even bleach job. Be patient. My first couple of cushion covers took about 48 hours of soaking in the washer. It was much faster outside. I haven’t figured out why. Maybe someone could tell me.

If you want to attempt this, I definitely recommend testing a small piece of fabric first. I was lucky that my slipcover turned out to be 100% cotton denim. Some fabrics won’t release their dye and you might end up with something that you don’t want at all. Also if your skin is sensitive, be sure to wear rubber gloves. It was hard on my hands and I had to grab my dishwashing gloves near the end.

I just love the result. Now I can make some pillows and continue with my living room redo. If you bleach your couch, PLEASE send me pictures or leave me a comment if you have any questions. Thanks for sharing my fun project.



  1. Wow, that came out fabulous!!! I would be doing the happy dance too. Good for you. Now you have a whole new fabulous look:)
    Capers of the vintage vixens

  2. Wow!
    My daughters and I were just discussing whether or not this would work and you have settled that.

    Great job.

    White Spray Paint

  3. Amazing tranformation! I love it!!!

  4. Awesome job, Tanya!!! I'm so happy for you!! Looks great!

  5. Tanya,
    First, let me thank you for visiting with me! Thanks! I do think we have such compassion in our military men and women who showed it so admirably on 9/11....

    You are indeed a sista... just by reading the'blue denim-bleached white' episode I know we think alike. I look forward to visiting again and again.

    I love home and fluffing our cheaply as possible....I'm a 'thrift-a-nista of the highest order!

    God bless...Betty @ Country Charm

  6. You ARE a brave girl, desperation does drive us at times. the results are amazing!!! LOVE IT!!

  7. Like Debra said - you're brave! I'm glad it turned out so perfect! It really looks fabulous. I have a dark brown slipcover for a chair and I'll give it a try. I was going to make a slip but if this works it would save me a ton of work!


  8. i love it .. oh my gosh .. you were brave!!

  9. Thank you so much for the encouraging comments. I don't know that I was brave but rather very impatient (desperate) for a white couch!

  10. are you serious? i am sooooooo inspired by this...i also have this crazy denim sofa...paid way to much for it...and i LOVE white....thanks woman!

    xoxo lylah

  11. Wow, I love it. It looks amazing. That took guts!!!!!!!!!

  12. I am SHOCKED it are super brave and it paid off!! Awesome!

  13. I'm so glad I found this post! I too just bought a very comfy couch and oversized chair covered in denim on Craigslist and I want it to be white for a sunroom.

    I am off to Walmart to buy some bleach :)

  14. I am going to try it for sure. You sound like a kindred husband calls me "Instant Gratification Liz"'s true.
    We have a giant denim couch and matching chair...they are great but I would love a lighter, beachier look to go with the rest of the house.The denim is looking a bit worn anyway...just like a pair of your favorite jeans. I'm stocking up on bleach as we speak! Thank you!!

  15. I am working on this while I type. However after soaking for the entire day it seems mine are more neutral/pale yellow. I am guessing "bleach stained" :( Did yours come out bright white?

  16. I've been stressing out over how to custom make a white slipcover for our sad denim couch and chair. I'm testing a small patch I cut out from an inconspicuous area! Hopefully this saves me so much time and money...I'll try to let you know how it turns out!

  17. I just thought about this this morning so I googled it and this is what I found. I was just laid off from my job yesterday so I am glad to see this. I am trying 2 of the cushions tonight and will finish the rest tomorrow. I already know it will bleach cuz the gal that I got my sectional from on Craigslist accidently got bleach on it.. SOOOOO HAPPY I saw this. This is exactly what I want... I do a lot of shabby chic and refinishing of furniture featuring country, barn, distressed, cottage, beachy look.

  18. Hi!
    I was looking on Craigslist at a denim couch as well and was wondering about this! Glad to see that it works. Although, I have a question- after reading this post and looking on Craigslist, I noticed that the picture for the denim couch on the craigslist ad was the same as your before picture and this concerns me. A weird coincidence that I happened upon your page and the ad at the same time but I am wondering if it is a scam?! Or if they are just using the picture because theirs is packed up? Or if you are selling this couch?
    Thank you and hope you can help me!

  19. Hi!
    I was looking on Craigslist at a denim couch as well and was wondering about this! Glad to see that it works. Although, I have a question- after reading this post and looking on Craigslist, I noticed that the picture for the denim couch on the craigslist ad was the same as your before picture and this concerns me. A weird coincidence that I happened upon your page and the ad at the same time but I am wondering if it is a scam?! Or if they are just using the picture because theirs is packed up? Or if you are selling this couch?
    Thank you and hope you can help me!

  20. Wow just found this post, wish I would have googled this earlier...Bleached denim couch cover in washing machine came out tiedyed...Now I'm not sure what to do..Dye it back to blue or ?...I want it to be white

  21. So I have done the same after 3 days soaking I still have a light colored tyedye affect any suggestions??


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