Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Garden Aprons

Now that the time is here for me to start working in my spring garden, I could use a good gardening apron. It's nice to stow a a packet of seeds or plant markers and save a few steps. Besides the fact that I can't keep a clean shirt on when I'm gardening. Much easier to throw an apron in the washer than to keep changing my shirt! I'll probably just sew a couple of them up. Here are some that I found for inspiration.
Really cute recycled leather from Hen and Hammock.
Floral always works and shows less dirt too! Hope you're inspired to think about your garden even if you're sitting in snow. Happy Spring.
photos: flikr, etsy


  1. I'm a messy gardener, too. Terribly messy! The nice thing about aprons is you can gather things in them. It's helped me many a time when I forgot my basket! Mine aren't as cute as these, though. TFS!

  2. I have been looking for the perfect apron! Maybe I will break down and make one. I guess I'll add it to my 'someday project' list.


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