Monday, September 14, 2009

A Quick Coaster Project

I found these glass photo coasters at a Thrift store quite some time ago. They were new in the box and included a wooden holder which I didn't keep. But for a couple of bucks I liked the color of the glass and the option to put my own photos in them. With company coming, I needed a quick fix. I rummaged around in my small, decorative paper collection and found something good! At Michael's I had purchased the sheet music and this paper that has little collage squares. They're about four times the size of a Postage stamp. I simply used the paper insert in the coaster for a guide to cut the background paper. Then cut out my favorite squares and used double stick tape to adhere them. Slide them into the back and Presto! I have new coasters. It was so quick that it's probably taking me longer to write this post than to "make" the coasters. My kind of project! The fun part is that I can change them out with the seasons or whenever the whim hits me. I think they would look great with a piece of burlap as the background and a stamped monogram or black & white picture in front. Yes, someday they might actually hold pictures! Happy Monday. Bye for now! Tanya


  1. What a great idea!! They look fantastic! I love all the creative ideas on everyones blogs....isn't it fun?

  2. that's a super idea! my sis-in-law just bought some from the thrift store not even open yet to do that too......

  3. Those are so cute! I didn't even know they made those! I love stuff that you can easily change out!


  4. What a great idea! I adore your treatment. You could change your look so quickly for each of the seasons.

  5. That is so clever! I love it :)


  6. Hi Tanya!
    I think the gilded pumpkins and gourds are your kind of project too ;)) So quick and easy to make!
    To answer your question, I just let them dry on the floor where I use to do my job (on the lawn actually ;), it takes about 10-15 minutes!
    Be sure to protect it with something (I use old newspapers).
    Have fun!


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