Friday, July 10, 2009

Mirror, mirror on the wall.........

I have to admit that when I spot a beautiful mirror at a tag sale or flea market my heart beats a little faster. I stealthily move toward it like a wild cat hunting it's prey. Ok, I'm obsessed with mirrors! But who can blame me? They have a silvery shimmer that bounces light around the room, perfect to open up a small space. The shape of the frame is unlimited. Unlike traditional artwork, mirrors are beautiful whether they are round, square, ornate or simple. I don't have a lot of "things" hanging on my walls because I'm very particular and on a tiny budget. Two circumstances that don't usually live well together. However, I can indulge in mirrors to my heart's content. What about you? Do you use mirrors as artwork?
Don't limit mirrored surfaces to the wall!
A grouping of smaller mirrors can have the same impact as a large one.
Flea market finds turned into art.
A collection can look well thought out when grouped together and it's so fun to find more! photos:,,,,


  1. I LOVE mirrors! Especially if they have pretty frames! I love mirrored furniture too!


  2. Love your blog and the Style, Blessings, Janna

  3. I like mirrors more than art work!

    thanks for your comment today.

  4. Hi Tanya! It's so nice to meet you and thank you for stopping in to see me today! Oh, I appreciate your sweet words. I really am very thankful.
    Hope you'll come back for another visit sometimes,
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  5. I just adore a beautiful grouping of mirrors.

  6. I LOVE this post you did, beautiful!

  7. Thank you for all of your wonderful and gracious comments! Wish we could all get together for a cool glass of lemonade!

  8. Just a fabulous post Tanya! I'm particularly taken with the 2nd image of that incredible mirrored dressing table & everything on it - can't take my eyes away from it.
    Millie ^_^

  9. I know what you mean Millie. I really like how the b&w pictures are tucked in all around the mirror also. :)

  10. I love mirrors.. stop by and see my post - i think it from last month.. sMILES!

  11. It seems that I'm not the only one that loves mirrors as much as (or more than) artwork!

  12. OOOHHHH! I LOVE LOVE LOVE mirrors... I have them everywhere I possibly can. I love how they open and brighten a room!

  13. I love mirrors too. I've been collecting little round ones and didn't know what to do with them until I saw your post. Thanks for the ideas!

  14. Jessica, I would love to see a picture when you get them on the wall!

  15. Yes, I definitely use mirrors in decorating...our flooded wooden floors in the den have been replaced so now I can put the room back together. I stand a tall mirror in a gold frame on the floor and love it. I bought it years ago for $15.00 and have seen others for $300.00.


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