Tuesday, March 24, 2009

I'd Like to Thank the Academy for this Award.......

Thank you so much to Monica at The White Bench for the awards! I don't really know how these things work but I so appreciate her thinking of me. I love her blog and stalk it on a regular basis!http://the-white-bench.blogspot.com/
I guess that I'm supposed to name seven things that I love. I'll do my best!
1. I love gardening. We're building a trellis and putting in as many raised beds as we have the time, money and energy to do. I have been so inspired by Patti the Garden Girl. Have you checked out her videos on You Tube? She's my hero and already has in place many of the Urban Sustainable Farm practices that I aspire to here at the Cottage!
2. Along those same lines, I love rusty metal candleholders, hardware, planters and even some furniture. Anything that looks like it was rescued from some ancient estate garden and brought in the house for safekeeping!
3. Hot tea everday! I drink 2 or 3 cups of hot green tea per day. Tazo green with mint and lemongrass is my favorite. It's great iced also!
4. I love Spring break which we are on now which is the reason I am able to be writing this post now!!!
5. I love white dishes. I collect plates and platters and cups and pitchers. They go with everything and I love them with sparkly glassware. This picture is from Joni over at http://www.cotedetexas.com/. and they even have my initial on them! Joni, if you're listening, you know what to do!
6. Phew! This is harder than I thought it would be! How do I narrow it down? Number 6 would have to be that I love it when projects are finished. However, I question the truth in that because as soon as they are finished (as if) then I start a new one. Maybe I just like the creative process and seeing it all come together. Any armchair Pshychiatrists out there?
7. I love encouraging others that we (the human race) have a purpose and a plan for our lives. That each and every life is important and contributes significantly to the planet and the ever after! That each person is dearly loved by their Creator and blessed by this journey we call life.
I guess that about says it all. Well, not really. I could go on and on but it wouldn't be any fun without lots of pictures of adorable cottages, chippy white furniture, and cute kids playing on green grass. You know what I mean!


  1. This is a great and encouraging post (#7!) Great sites and ideas!!
    kari & kijsa

  2. Thanks for visiting! I know that when i encourage others I find myself energized and encouraged. Funny how that works.

  3. Hi there...I just popped over from Songbirdtiff and wanted to tell you I really like your blog. I'll be back! :)


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